The iconic lavender of Provence provides the essential oil that is a flagship product for Bontoux. The local family-run business oversees every step of the supply chain, ensuring the sustainability of the plants, the land and the people who live there.⁠⁠

We are proud and delighted to have participated to the book : From Plant to Essence – A World Tour of Fragrant Raw Material.  A bilingual book (FR / EN) published by Nez éditions, in collaboration with Simppar, the international fair of raw materials for perfumery which has partnered with Nez éditions on the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary to honor all those who perpetuate, through their know-how, sectors that are too often overlooked.


#Bontoux #Lavender #Provence #FromPlantToEssence #Perfumery #RawIngredients #NaturalIngredients #NezEditions #SIMPPAR